94% of crashes are caused by driver behaviors and attitudes , NOT driver skills
Surge in road fatalities and injuries over last two years1
Distracted driving occurs in 52% of trips that result in crashes2
92% of drivers use their phone while driving3
Two-thirds of drivers rated themselves as Very Good or Excellent, but still texted, speeded or engaged in other unsafe behaviors4
Society has normalized the problem. Imagine the reaction to 15 plane crashes a month.
- http://www.nsc.org/NewsDocuments/2017/12-month-estimates.pdf
- Is Everyone Texting and Driving, Portland Press Herald, April 16, 2017
- AutoConnected Car News, April 12, 2017
- https://www.allstatenewsroom.com/news/new-allstate-survey-shows-americans-think-they-are-great-drivers-habits-tell-a-different-story-2/